Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Limitation of astral inorganic beings

"We want you!"
The motto of the "friendly" inorganic beings

"Dreamers, whether they like it or not, in their dreaming seek associations with other beings. This may come to you as a shock, but dreamers automatically seek groups of beings, nexuses of inorganic beings in this case.

The thing you must bear in mind from now on is that inorganic beings with their superb consciousness exert a tremendous pull over dreamers and can easily transport them into worlds beyond description."
- Carlos Casteneda: The Art Of Dreaming

There are several issues with the above statements, in my experience.

Inorganic beings, the "friendly" ones, play a major role in the Castaneda's lineage, obviously. While those low-level astral entities do have the ability to shift or even move the assemblage point (AP) of a dreamer, I cannot really assert they have superb consciousness. Why do you think their realm is so slow and why are they always after the awareness and energy of others? Well, because their astral consciousness is limited and elementary. Nothing superbly deep there.

They are master manipulators, yes, but that's about it. When a dreamer is awake and self-aware enough, their hypnotic influence is futile. They really can't do anything if one is self-aware enough.

In dreaming that deeper self-awareness is manifested as an ability to move around on our own and especially to shift and/or move the assemblage point at will. When a dreamer is able to perform these basic maneuvers, the inorganic beings Castaneda fell prey to (recall the "blue scout" incident?), are out of the picture.

Furthermore, human beings in general and dreamers in particular, well, we do have free will! So, in my experience, there is no predetermined fate for dreamers. I certainly don't actively seek association with other beings, the astral entities being quite off my list. Astral level beings have quite limited awareness, they are self-centered and are depending heavily on the energy from others. Who in his right mind would want their company?

As wise and powerful as Don Juan was, his lineage depended (and still does?) heavily upon these low astral level beings. It is quite understandable that in his lineage those astral beings are described as having superb consciousness. That's their perspective which has been presented to them by previous generations of dreamers. Besides, we do not really know what exactly Don Juan taught, what we know is what Castaneda wrote. And his perspective was quite fogged by the astral energy and indulgence.
From a wider perspective, however, these inorganic beings are only low astral entities and their realm is the closest to ours, meaning, there are not so advanced beings.

Moreover, Don Juan's lineage was (is?) under the strong influence of the so-called dark death defiers, another kind of astral level beings. Those beings are not friendly at all, and all they want is the energy from others. Why? Because they are still limited by their astral level awareness, meaning, full of glamour, self-serving mentality, manipulative emotional attitude towards other beings, the self-centered perception of the reality, etc...

There are, on the other hand, quite advanced beings out there, beings that seek energy from no one and manipulate no one.

One has to raise his awareness beyond the astral dimensions to encounter them and to learn from them, however.

And here enters the Maya Path to Freedom which is not based upon the energy of "friendly" inorganic beings, but on the faster, the deeper and non-manipulative presence of Maya "god-forms"...
...and thus on the ever-increasing self-awareness.

Jaguar, one of the main Maya Totem Animals 

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