Saturday, January 11, 2020

Dark Side

The role of the Prince of Darkness and the Dark Side (including Flyers, demons, black death defiers, etc.) in Nagualism:

In 'The power of silence' book there is a conversation between Castaneda and Don Juan about the use of energy and the old man mentions something about the 'dark side' and Carlos tries to sell his Prince of Darkness trip.

Here is what Don Juan thinks about the whole 'dark side" deal:

"Then there is an evil side to man," I said jubilantly, "you always deny it. You always say that evil doesn't exist, that only power exists."

I surprised myself with this outburst. In one instant, all my Catholic background was brought to bear on me and the Prince of Darkness loomed larger than life.

Don Juan laughed until he was coughing.

"Of course, there is a dark side to us," he said.

"We kill wantonly, don't we? We burn people in the name of God. We destroy ourselves; we obliterate life on this planet; we destroy the earth.

And then we dress in robes and the Lord speaks directly to us. And what does the Lord tell us?

He says that we should be good boys or he is going to punish us. The Lord has been threatening us for centuries and it doesn't make any difference. Not because we are evil, but because we are dumb.

Man has a dark side, yes, and it's called stupidity."

- Power of silence, p.263, by C. Castaneda

* * *

I just love how respected Don Juan turns the tables and goes directly to what seems to be a major issue for many people on the paths of Sorcery and Nagualism: assuming full responsibility for their dreaming and everyday life.

It is so easy to point fingers instead of sitting down just once and answering one question with complete honesty without deceiving: 

"What am I trying to avoid by NOT assuming full responsibility for my progress in dreaming and daily life?"


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