Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Dome of Naguals

We can find the info on the Dome of Naguals in The Second Ring of Power:

"In that particular vision, I had found myself looking at an outlandish world. There was an enormous rock right in front of my eyes, a rock which had been split in two. Through a wide gap in it I could see a boundless phosphorescent plain, a valley of some sort, which was bathed in a greenish-yellow light. On one side of the valley, to the right, and partially covered from my view by the enormous rock, there was an unbelievable domelike structure. It was dark, almost a charcoal gray. If my size was what it is in the world of everyday life, the dome must have been fifty thousand feet high and miles and miles across. Such an enormity dazzled me. I had a sensation of vertigo and plummeted into a state of disintegration.

Once more I rebounded from it and found myself on a very uneven and yet flat surface. It was a shiny, interminable surface just like the plain I had seen before. It went as far as I could see. I soon realized that I could turn my head in any direction I wanted on a horizontal plane, but I could not look at myself. I was able, however, to examine the surroundings by rotating my head from left to right and vice versa. Nevertheless, when I wanted to turn around to look behind me, I could not move my bulk.

The plain extended itself monotonously, equally to my left and to my right. There was nothing else in sight but an endless, whitish glare. I wanted to look at the ground underneath my feet but my eyes could not move down. I lifted my head up to look at the sky; all I saw was another limitless, whitish surface that seemed to be connected to the one I was standing on. I then had a moment of apprehension and felt that something was just about to be revealed to me. But the sudden and devastating jolt of disintegration stopped my revelation. Some force pulled me downward. It was as if the whitish surface had swallowed me.

Nestor said that my vision of a dome was of tremendous importance because that particular shape had been isolated by the Nagual and Genaro as the vision of the place where all of us were supposed to meet them someday.

Benigno spoke to me at that point and said that he had heard Eligio being instructed to find that particular dome. He said that the Nagual and Genaro insisted that Eligio understand their point correctly. They always had believed Eligio to be the best; therefore, they directed him to find that dome and to enter its whitish vaults over and over again.
Pablito said that all three of them were instructed to find that dome if they could, but that none of them had. I said then, in a complaining tone, that neither don Juan nor don Genaro had ever mentioned anything like that to me. I had had no instruction of any sort regarding a dome.
Benigno, who was sitting across the table from me, suddenly stood up and came to my side. He sat to my left and whispered very softly in my ear that perhaps the two old men had instructed me but I did not remember, or that they had not said anything about it so I would not fix my attention on it once I had found it.
„Why was the dome so important?” I asked Nestor.
„Because that’s where the Nagual and Genaro are now,” he replied.
„And where’s that dome?” I asked.
„Somewhere on this earth,” he said.
I had to explain to them at great length that it was impossible that a structure of that magnitude could exist on our planet. I said that my vision was more like a dream and domes of that height could exist only in fantasies. They laughed and patted me gently as if they were humoring a child.
„You want to know where Eligio is,” Nestor said all of a sudden. „Well, he is in the white vaults of that dome with the Nagual and Genaro.”
„But that dome was a vision,” I protested.
„Then Eligio is in a vision,” Nestor said.

„Remember what Benigno just said to you. The Nagual and Genaro didn’t tell you to find that dome and go back to it over and over. If they had, you wouldn’t be here. You’d be like Eligio, in the dome of that vision. So you see, Eligio did not die like a man in the street dies. He simply did not return from his jump.”

-- Carlos Castaneda: The Second Ring of Power

I have always had the highest regard for the writing genius that Carlos Castaneda actually was. His literary devices were superb. For example, he knew that he was introducing fresh and new information into the existing framework of anthropology and shamanism back in the 60s. Hence the invented character (himself) in all of his books was slow, generally emotionally unstable, and overly rational academic (in our real world, in his seminars he was a completely different person, I hear).

In his true state, he must have known perfectly well that the Dome mentioned above really existed, not on this Earth but in the specific position of the assemblage point.

The Dome is real, and anyone with enough energy and awareness can indeed visit that place in dreaming.

Not only do Naguals frequent that realm; I have seen there many other dreamers of whom surely not everyone was naguals. In dreaming, I have met Taisha Abelar there and conversed with some other members of Don Juan's party as well.

Perfectly serene and devoid of any dark inorganic energy, the Dome is there for all dreamers to visit and learn the inner secrets of the art of dreaming and stalking.

At the very least, I see it as a meeting place for dreamers who are intending their freedom.

* * *

In our Maya Lineage, there is a complete world, the realm of Mayan Naguals,  the Jade realm, where all Maya dreamers (and other permanent dwellers) congregate in their Light (nagual) bodies and further their skills towards complete freedom.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Advanced practices of Nagualism


Path to Freedom

Welcome again to a new Blog dedicated to advanced practices of Nagualism!

On these pages, you shall find info, interpretations of empirical knowledge, and abstract notions about the Path to Complete Freedom as taught by Maya Nagual.

My Path is eclectic by definition (and practices), meaning I employ a wide range of methods and techniques (apart from touchy-feely New Age)...

...but here on the Nagualism Blog, I will be focusing on the (interpretations of the) teachings of the ancient and immortal Maya seers.

Some familiarity with the basic concepts of Nagualism (and dreaming and other practices) is most welcome...

Topics covered herein might be interesting to read for sure, fascinating to speculate on, etc.
Still, if one is to see the essence and benefit above reason, in my subjective opinion, these skills might be desirable (or not):

  • stopping internal dialogue (or even entering the third attention at will),
  • losing the human (or any other) form,
  • freely moving around in lucid dreaming and changing realms at will,
  • dreaming together in total worlds,
  • complete control over dreaming emissary (or any different lower/higher astral spirit/demon/djinn),
  • astral and mental projection,
  • evocation and invocation of "god-forms",
  • ESP, 
  • transparent, grounded, and directly empirically validated system of thought.

The topics on the Blog address states of awareness above the physical, etheric, astral, and mental bodies. 

Earthly plane with all its inns and outs (elements, material energy, human beings, physical planets, the Sun, Luna, etc.) including everyday life ought to offer no challenge anymore,

and likewise human emotional-mental conditions (addictions, problems with authorities, rebel mentality, elitism, destructive vampirism, etc.).

To employ modern psychological terminology, Authenticity ought to be attained and surpassed, and Transpersonal stages of consciousness explored.

Of course, that does not mean that one has to be completely healthy before taking medicine. 

I do not want to mix various stages of development, that's all, and clarity and understanding are essential to me.

Anyhow, my current thoughts presented on the Blog are conditioned by subjective top-down perception, so no authoritative or absolute notions are shared herein.

May we all advance gradually, genuinely, and deeply on the Path to complete Freedom.

- Martin

Important note:

I am not recruiting followers here, nor do I accept any students. One needs massive support from the Maya themselves to visit and learn from them. 

It is beyond my reach to provide that.

Monday, January 1, 2018


Beautiful song. It shifts awareness to remember ancient and today's longing for the Nagual counterpart.